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Standing for the rights of indigenous people

This month, the world marks 500 years since the Aztec civilization in South America was wiped out by the Spanish conquistadors

Cebu archbishop reminds priests not to use pulpit to preach against...

Archbishop Jose Palma of Cebu reminded priests that the Catholic Church "recommends vaccination" against COVID-19

Aid to the Church in Need raises concern for human rights...

Aid to the Church in Need warned that religious freedom "will be particularly under threat" under the Taliban

Bishop Pabillo vows to continue work for justice, human rights in...

Bishop Pabillo was formally installed by Bishop Socrates Mesiona of Puerto Princesa in the town of Taytay on August 19

Cardinal Tagle reminds Filipino faithful to be always generous, just

In his homily during Mass on Wednesday, Cardinal Tagle said justice without kindness is always an empty gesture

Pope Francis calls on everyone to get vaccinated against COVID-19

"Vaccination is a simple but profound way of promoting the common good and caring for each other, especially the most vulnerable"

It’s perfectly fine to sympathize with the Afghan people, but…

The Afghan people and Filipinos today share one thing in common: both find themselves at a crossroads. Both must decide their people’s fate.

There is no other time but now to act against climate...

The IPCC report is giving us a glimpse of what the future of young people will be. The question is: Is this what adults have imagined for us?

Activists in Germany decry Philippines’ ‘worsening’ human rights situation

The Germany-based Philippinenbüro marked the anniversary of the killing of Filipino human rights defender Zara Alvarez with a protest action

Mindanao diocese launches signature campaign for stay of open-pit mining ban

The petition calls on the government to “stand firm in its duty to ensure the safety, convenience, and well-being of its constituents”

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