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Catholic educators in Bicol region caution against ‘politicizing’ education

“We deplore governance that politicizes and tramples upon the education sector by appointing politicians with vested interests”

How long, O Lord, must I bear grief in my soul....

The results of the recent Philippine national elections has reawakened a deep sense of grief

Head of bishops’ conference urges Filipinos to continue fight against mass...

“It is important to keep a good attitude and remain focused as we ‘move forward’ together,” said the bishop

Lasallian brothers elect Filipino superior general

Brother Armin Luistro becomes the Lasallian Brothers’ 28th superior general and the first Filipino to hold the global position

Catholic nuns join petition to overturn dismissal of Marcos disqualification case

Martial law survivors and activists filed the petition for certiorari on Wednesday, May 18

Priests, religious should not carry firearms, say Church leaders

The CBCP has said that a priest’s actions and attitude should conform as closely as possible to Christ’s

Sin against God, unprecedented crime against humanity

There is no doubt that images of what climate change looks like no longer belong to the future but are happening now

Philippine Council of the Laity warns of impending rise in prices...

Economists, however, said the country is not yet heading toward “hyperinflation”

Filipino girl, believed to have been healed by new French saint,...

Angel Marie Vier Albaracin Degamo from Clarin, Bohol, was one of those who offered gifts to the pontiff during the canonization Mass

Green activists, faith-based groups lament lifting of ban on open-pit mining...

"We will not take this sitting down. We will not take this silently," said Bishop Cerilo Casicas of the Diocese of Marbel

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