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Sin against God, unprecedented crime against humanity

There is no doubt that images of what climate change looks like no longer belong to the future but are happening now

Philippine Council of the Laity warns of impending rise in prices...

Economists, however, said the country is not yet heading toward “hyperinflation”

Filipino girl, believed to have been healed by new French saint,...

Angel Marie Vier Albaracin Degamo from Clarin, Bohol, was one of those who offered gifts to the pontiff during the canonization Mass

Green activists, faith-based groups lament lifting of ban on open-pit mining...

"We will not take this sitting down. We will not take this silently," said Bishop Cerilo Casicas of the Diocese of Marbel

Manila prelate calls on Filipinos to stay calm, believe in democratic...

Cardinal Advincula assured that the Church will always be with the people in working for the good of society

Opportunity of a lifetime: An open letter

"Tears, they say, flow when the heart cannot express its sorrow or joy. But after the tears, let us remember that we have just begun."

Philippines’ outgoing vice president gives new face to volunteer movement

Supporters of Vice President Leni Robredo said they will continue to be part of her initiatives to help communities in the peripheries

Cardinal Bo expresses ‘profound concern’ over ‘threats to religious freedom’ in...

The prelate asked for prayers and support for the people of Hong Kong “in the hope that one day their freedoms will be restored”

Faith-based groups call for continuous ‘vigilance’ in wake of Philippine elections

"We pray for truth to illuminate our hearts and minds, so that we may know and so that truth will us set free”

Philippine poll watchdogs call for mechanisms to combat ‘disinformation’

“Public education starts the day after elections because a lot of politicians ... are already preparing for the elections in 2025”

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