Home Tags South China Sea

Tag: South China Sea

If China gets Taiwan, Philippine seas will be next

Taipei and Manila used to view Beijing’s threats separately. The two issues have now joined.

JMSU emboldened China to aggress our seas

Caution is served on President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. against rushing into joint petroleum exploration with China in Philippine jurisdiction

Environmental group welcomes court decision on South China Sea joint exploration...

The decision "spells stronger protection of the resources of the West Philippine Sea and their preservation for the next generation”

Philippines, China move to avoid ‘miscalculation’ in disputed sea

The deal will be signed next week during President Marcos's visit to Beijing where he will meet with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping

Philippines boosts military in disputed sea after Chinese ‘encroachment’

The defense department said it had directed the armed forces "to strengthen the country's presence in the West Philippine Sea"

Philippines ‘concerned’ over China land reclamation in disputed sea

China has ignored a ruling from The Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration that its historical claim is without basis

Filipinos fishing on frontline of China’s battle for disputed sea

The fishing ground, tapped by generations of Filipinos, is one of many potential flashpoints for military conflict over the South China Sea

Japan responds to rising China-Taiwan tensions by militarizing its remote islands

Both governments have agreed to begin talks on how to evacuate Japanese citizens living on the island in the event of a Chinese invasion

Fisherfolk union warns against joint energy exploration with China

Pamalakaya said the proposed venture will only “institutionalize and further the Chinese plunder” of the country's marine and energy resources

US Army marker proves that Scarborough is ours

That marker proves that the Shoal, also called Panatag and Bajo de Masinloc, 123 miles off Zambales, is Philippine boundary

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