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Tag: Sex abuse

Clerical child abuse, a shocked president, and a silent church 

The silence and absence of Catholic social action today is glaring. Many years ago, youth leaders could rally thousands to protest injustice

Child rights group calls for probe into alleged child abuse by...

The group fears that there “could be more affected children who are unaccounted for” and lives are at risk

Children having children when 14 years old

Bishops passed pedophile priests from parish to parish when complaints by parents and children were made

Catholic priests, bishops must obey words of Jesus

Everyone has to support Pope Francis and speak out and demand honesty in cleansing the Church of the “filth” of clerical child abuse

Pope Francis extends ‘Vos estis’ decree to counter both lay and...

The decree extends the Church’s norms for handling of abuse to cover lay leaders of international associations recognized by the Vatican

Women’s march for equality and justice

What is needed is not only belief in the rights of women and children but action for a change of mind and heart among men and women

The Japanese ex-soldier who declared war on sexual abuse

Her story has inspired dozens more people to report sexual and other abuse in the military

End tolerance of child abuse by teachers

When teachers receive a credible report of child sexual abuse in a school, they have to act to protect that child and many other children

Catholic Church must bring abusers to justice

There is an urgent need to fund and expand Philippine expert law enforcement action groups to investigate child abusers

Families, schools infiltrated by child sex abusers

The pandemic lockdowns highlighted that extreme fragility when families were confined inside their homes.

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