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Tag: Save the Children

3.5 million Filipino children need health, education support

In a statement, Save the Children Philippines (SCP) underscored how the rights of the children are most vulnerable in times of disaster

Child rights group urges government support for children adapting to climate-altered...

The findings reveal that the current generation will also experience more river floods, droughts, and crop losses compared to sixty years ago

Climate change to affect 26M Filipino students — child rights group

Among the problems SCP mentioned are the intolerable heat from the El Niño, more powerful typhoons, and limited access to water.

Child rights group calls for probe into alleged child abuse by...

The group fears that there “could be more affected children who are unaccounted for” and lives are at risk

Over 18,000 children in MIndanao received education support

Over 93 percent of children who suffered interrupted learning due to conflicts have exhibited improvements in literacy, reading, and numeracy

Philippine groups call for ‘positive’ parenting approach

The proposed measure is “geared towards a more holistic and inclusive approach involving parents and caregivers”

Philippine group calls for children protection against SOGIESC discrimination

Four of five children with diverse SOGIESC are more at risk of experiencing physical, psychological, and sexual violence

Philippine group urges LGUs to implement emergency program for children

When they are placed in emergency situations, their only means to survive is to depend on adults for protection and developmental needs

Save the Children confirms deaths of two aid workers in Myanmar...

The men were on their way back to their office after working on a humanitarian response when they were caught up in the attack

Child rights groups call for inclusion of child protection in pandemic...

Incidence of violence against children, mostly by parents and caregivers, has dramatically increased globally during the pandemic

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