Tag: Roman Curia
Pope Francis calls to embrace love, humility, and the journey of...
"While the real difference is between lovers and those who have lost that initial passion.... Only those who love fare forward”
Analysis: Here’s how Pope Francis could influence the choice of his...
By the end of the year, Pope Francis could have a college of cardinals modeled on his preferences and a Curia entirely in his likeness
Pope Francis to Roman Curia: Be vigilant against ‘the evil that...
The pope underlined that “it is not enough to condemn evil, including the evil that quietly lurks among us”
Like a row of dominoes: an analysis of the latest Vatican...
The overall uncertainty of the situation of the reforms in Rome fuels speculation and rumors about the future role of Cardinal Tagle
Behind the scenes and between the lines: Cardinals debate laity, power,...
It is not about a cult of secrecy but a desire to ensure a certain level of freedom of expression
How Pope Francis is changing the shape of the Roman Curia
The new round of promotions and demotions in the Vatican is the consequence of two decisions recently taken by Pope Francis
How does the new Vatican constitution affect the Secretariat of State?
The Curia’s oldest dicastery will remain central when the constitution comes into full force on June 5, the feast of Pentecost
Pope Francis’ reforms of Vatican bureaucracy dubbed as ‘tectonic’ shake-up
Pope Francis has followed through on a promise and published a much-anticipated shake-up of the Vatican's powerful governing body
Pope Francis reforms Roman Curia with launch of Vatican constitution
The constitution underlines that “any member of the faithful” can lead one of newly constituted Vatican dicasteries or other bodies
Will the latest canon law changes further delay the Vatican’s new...
A Canon Law professor said the new legislative changes might not necessarily promote the “healthy decentralization” sought by Pope Francis