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Tag: red-tagging

A second look at the cases presented at the International Peoples...

‘With guilty verdict of the International Peoples’ Tribunal, Marcos Jr. cannot deny rights violations in the Philippines'

Without immunity, Duterte faces 1st crime rap in local court

In a live interview last Tuesday, former President Rodrigo Duterte said he would kill Castro and other alleged Communists

Filipino bishops and laity fighting for justice and human rights

"They are slandered, falsely branded enemies of the state, unjustly accused of being criminals and rebels, and wrongfully jailed or killed"

Jonila and Jhed’s case reaches UN, rights defenders announce

The group emphasized the injustices suffered by civilians under the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020, citing at least 15 terrorism-related cases

Bishop welcomes Ombudsman ruling against Parlade, Badoy

The bishop hopes that no more individuals, whether activists or not, will be put in danger due to red-tagging

More than a tale of two bishops

The religious in one of Asia’s predominantly Christian countries, the Philippines, may be among the most persecuted in the world.

Broadcast journo files P2M civil case against red-taggers

Altermidya, a network of independent and progressive media outfits, said that it stands with Araullo in full solidarity

Missionaries in Philippines still in crosshairs of red-tagging

Red-tagging is a practice by authorities in the Philippines that associates people and groups critical of the government with communists

Media group decries ‘red-tagging’ anew

This has the effect of preventing members of these media groups from conducting their work as journalists and also puts them in grave danger

Negros bishop urges Marcos administration to shun ‘militarist tactics’

Bishop Alminaza said red-tagging and terrorist-labelling are bereft of substantive grounds and are “counter-productive” to attaining peace

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