Tag: Press Freedom
Hong Kong cardinal tells priests to avoid personal political views in...
Cardinal Tong released the instruction in the wake of a reported “crackdown on free expression” in Hong Kong
Myanmar activist faces court for banner protesting internet shutdown
Charge against free-speech activist and poet is latest example of Myanmar govt’s intolerance of critical speech, rights group says
Proposed social media gag shows free citizens, not terrorists are Duterte’s...
Social media has gained more importance with the COVID-19 quarantine hobbling the capacity of activists to mount huge mobilizations
Most Filipinos back renewal of ABS-CBN franchise: Veritas survey
The survey noted that 68 percent of the respondents are disposed to support a “people’s initiative” for the renewal of the ABS-CBN franchise
Philippine network shutdown a brazen assault on press freedom, democracy
This is the second time the media network will be shut down since 1972 when it was closed down upon the formal declaration of martial law
Philippine religious leaders decry shutdown of ABS-CBN broadcast network
Philippine religious superiors described the decision of Congress as a 'disgraceful act' and a 'brazen display' of 'trapo' power
Malaysia’s crackdown on media, a desperate attempt to control the narrative
Authorities are now threatening dissenters with sedition and fast tracking cases through the courts
Killing a network, fueling resistance
As repression worsens in the Philippines, the closure of a legacy highway of expression has sparked new avenues of resistance
Despite protests, Philippine Congress rejects franchise renewal of ABS-CBN
The network is officially shutting down after the House's legislative franchises body rejected the media company’s franchise application
Duterte’s allies in Congress want to dictate news coverage
Statements by Philippine legislators indicate a desire to trap news outfits behind the steel bars of state-controlled news management