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Tag: Pope Francis

Pope Francis expresses sorrow over situation in Ukraine in phone call...

The Vatican press office confirmed on Saturday that there was a telephone call between Pope Francis and Zelensky

Pope Francis to Ukrainian Catholic leader: ‘I will do everything I...

The pope asked about priests and bishops in areas where there is heavy fighting between Ukrainian and Russian forces

Pope Francis’ Lenten message: Addiction to digital media can hurt human...

Pope Francis underlined that Lent is a time to actively seek out those in need to offer charity and share the love of God

Pope Francis calls for global ‘day of prayer’ for Ukraine on...

The pope’s comments came after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he would recognize the breakaway Ukrainian regions

Pope decries excessive ‘exaltation of youth’ as he begins new catechesis...

The pope noted that as the average age of populations continued to rise, the “elderly are often seen as a burden”

Will the latest canon law changes further delay the Vatican’s new...

A Canon Law professor said the new legislative changes might not necessarily promote the “healthy decentralization” sought by Pope Francis

Why turn the other cheek? To defeat hatred and evil, Pope...

“Turning the other cheek is not the loser’s fallback, but the action of those who have greater inner strength,” the pope said

Pope Francis expresses concern over humanity’s ‘attachment to war’

“Humanity, which prides itself on being ahead in science, in thought, in so many beautiful things, is lagging behind in weaving peace"

Pope Francis gives personal reflection on 52 years of priesthood

Pope Francis urged priests to be close to people, saying that "it is important nowadays to be closely involved in people’s real lives"

Pope Francis: ‘The world needs beauty more than ever’

“Beauty can touch in everyone what is universal - especially the thirst for God - crossing the limits of language and culture”

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