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Tag: Pope Francis

Pope Francis: Faith is like fire, not a lullaby

According to Pope Francis, the fire of the Gospel does not give a false sense of peace, but spurs people into action

Zelenskyy thanks Pope Francis for praying for Ukraine

“Our people need support of world spiritual leaders who should convey to the world the truth about acts of horror committed by the aggressor”

Pope Francis: The desire for ‘eternal youth’ and ‘unlimited wellbeing’ is...

“The conceit of stopping time — of wanting eternal youth, unlimited wellbeing, absolute power — is not only impossible, it is delusional”

Papal nuncio to Philippines calls for prayers for Pope Francis

“Let us continue to pray for the health of Pope Francis, especially since he is scheduled to visit Kazakhstan,” said Archbishop Brown

Pope Francis cites Indigenous Peoples’ ‘relationship with all creation’

“How precious is that profoundly genuine sense of family and community among #IndigenousPeoples!” read the pope’s tweet

Pope Francis condoles with Filipino people for passing of former Philippine...

"I extend to you and to the people of the Philippines heartfelt condolences and the assurance of my prayers,” read the pope’s message

Pope Francis: Put your trust in God and his care for...

“At times we feel imprisoned by a feeling of distrust and anxiety,” Pope Francis said

Vatican balances budget by selling off assets

Juan Antonio Guerrero, the Vatican's de facto economy minister, said the Holy See recorded a deficit in 2021 of 3.3 million euros

Pope Francis calls on young people to turn to Jesus like...

The first millennial to be beatified by the Catholic Church, Carlo Acutis loved the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist

Pope Francis calls for ‘justice and truth’ ahead of Beirut blast...

“My thoughts are with the families of the victims of that disastrous event and with the dear Lebanese people,” the pope said

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