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Tag: Pope Francis

Healing needs the restoration of human dignity, pope tells Catholic medicos

They were told their commitment to healthcare goes far beyond the simple and praiseworthy practice of medicine

Pope tells young people to work hard, aim high

Pope Francis said those who falter must always have the strength to get up and carry on going forward

Pope calls for global action on protection of migrants

Pontiff praises Thai govt for efforts to fight human trafficking

Pope calls on Japanese people to protect life

Japan is well aware of the suffering caused by war, pope says in message prior to visit

Catholics urged to pray for success of pope’s journey

The Catholic presence in Thailand dates back to 1567 when the Dominicans arrived

Buddhist Thailand offers Pope Francis warm welcome

Thailand's church leaders describe the head of the Catholic Church as a ‘pilgrim for peace’

‘Pope of the margins’ to shine Church’s role in Asian societies

Pope Francis follows the tradition of St. Paul who traveled to encourage and evangelize small Christian communities

Small in numbers, Thai Catholics preserve centuries-old traditions

Historians say more than 70 percent of Catholics in Thailand have foreign ancestry

Thai Catholics wait in anticipation ahead of visit by Pope Francis

Pope’s three-day visit to the Southeast Asian kingdom begins Nov. 20

Hong Kong Catholics appeal to pope to help end crisis at...

‘Urgent appeal’ made to Pope Francis to intervene in ‘humanitarian crisis’

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