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Tag: Pope Francis

Pope Francis starts Lent as Ash Wednesday rites scaled back for...

During Lent, which ends with Easter, Christians are called on to fast, practice more good deeds, give alms, among others

Pope Francis remembers Coptic Christians murdered by extremists

On sixth anniversary of killings, the pope called those who died ‘witnesses of Jesus’

Pope Francis reminds Catholics to give meaning to faith during crisis

The pope praised “good confessors who do not have a whip in their hands, but just welcome, listen and say that God is good"

Pope expresses sympathy to victims of flash flood in India

171 people remain unaccounted for after a flash flood destroys dams and bridges

Mature democracies should shun political personality cults, pope says

Recent years have seen the rise of populist politicians in the United States, Latin America and some European countries

Pope Francis calls on Myanmar to free political prisoners

In his annual "state of the world" address, the pope urged Myanmar's military leaders to return to the path of democracy

Pope calls on Myanmar leaders to serve common good, seek ‘democratic’...

Anti-coup demonstrations have largely been peaceful, unlike the bloody crackdowns seen in 1998 and 2007

Pope Francis appoints more women to Vatican posts

Two women appointed to Vatican posts previously held only by men

Pope Francis calls for mutual respect to achieve world peace

There is no time for indifference, said pontiff for first International Day of Human Fraternity

Pope Francis says he is intent on going to Iraq in...

The visit takes place amid deteriorating security in some parts of Iraq and after the first big suicide bombing in Baghdad for three years

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