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Tag: Pope Francis

Be humble, pope tells priests as he begins services leading to...

The pope asked priests to be humble, reminding them that Jesus went about caring for sinners and outcasts

Pope, using Shakespeare, makes climate change appeal

'To see or not to see, that is the question!' Where it starts is with each one's seeing, yes, mine and yours' - Pope Francis

Pope, on Palm Sunday, says devil taking advantage of pandemic

Pope Francis said the pandemic made it more important than ever to look after those in difficulty, the poor and the suffering

Pope Francis supports human rights defenders

Pope Francis is aware of the struggle and needs of dedicated human rights activists fighting for justice and peace and human dignity

Filipino priest offers Pope Francis souvenir from hometown

The gifts included a handwoven hat and bag made by the people of Pandan town in Antique and a “patadyong” from the town of Bugasong

Pope orders salary cuts for cardinals, clerics, to save jobs of...

A senior Vatican prelate said it was believed to be the first time in living memory that a pope had taken such action

Pope Francis hits ‘mafia’ for exploiting COVID-19 pandemic

Italian police say crime clans are using the pandemic to buy favor with poor families facing financial ruin, offering loans and food

Philippine bishops consecrate Filipino families to Virgin Mary, St. Joseph

Pope Francis has declared the observance of "Amoris Laetitia Family Year" from March 19, 2021, to June 26, 2020

Philippine bishops’ pastoral statement on Year of ‘Amoris Laetitia Family’

Pope Francis has called for a Year “Amoris Laetitia Family” from 19 March 2021 to 26 June 2022

Pope Francis: ‘I kneel on the streets of Myanmar and say...

“I too kneel in the streets of Myanmar and say: End the violence! I too reach out my arms and say: may dialogue prevail,” said Pope Francis

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