Tag: pollution
Face masks add to sea pollution at popular Philippines dive site
Regular visitors and locals have reported a rise in the number of face masks and PPE shields being collected from the seabed
Philippine green groups appeal for break from trash during Holy Week
The faithful are urged to explore and embrace practices that will help reduce the generation of trash in households and communities
New Delhi’s poisonous air a perennial crisis of its own making
For a sprawling metropolis of 18 million, there are only 40 field staff to enforce environment standards
Plastic piles up in Thailand as pandemic efforts sideline pollution fight
Environmentalists fear Thailand is simply a pointer for the situation elsewhere in Southeast Asia
China’s incentive to pollute: Global warming is big business
China profits on selling the solution to the pollution problem it creates
More ‘collaborative action needed’ by Southeast Asia to tackle dangerous haze
Southeast Asian human rights officials have urged governments to step up cross-border collaboration to end harmful haze drifting across the region.
members of the Association...