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Tag: pandemic

Ilonggos in central Philippines celebrate ‘Dinagyang’ to honor Santo Niño

The Catholic faithful in Iloilo brave the pandemic to celebrate the Dinagyang in honor of the Santo Niño

Vatican starts vaccinating Rome’s homeless against COVID-19

Some 25 homeless people who are looked after in facilities run by papal charities office received their first dose

Philippine bishops to discuss impact of pandemic in annual meeting

The Church leaders are also expected to discuss issues about the COVID-19 vaccines and human rights

Cebu archbishop urges faithful to ‘have faith over fear’

“The Niño tells us to have faith rather than fear. Put your trust in this little child, small but powerful,” said Archbishop Palma of Cebu

Philippine faith leaders call for unity in fight against injustices, pandemic

The religious leaders made the call at the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity observance on January 18

9 Catholic bishops with COVID-19 die worldwide in single week

Between January 8 and January 15, nine bishops across three continents died as a result of the new coronavirus disease

Philippine bishops back extension of travel ban to countries with new...

The Philippines has extended until the end of the month a ban on all travelers from 32 countries earlier included in the restriction

The ‘globalization of compassion’ in the fight against COVID-19

Unless corruption and the pandemic are addressed with sustainable effort, no amount of economic amendments to the Constitution will ensure our survival

Pope Francis, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI get COVID-19 vaccine

The Vatican, the world’s smallest state, began its vaccination program, prioritizing doctors, health workers, and the most vulnerable

Christian group hits Sri Lanka decision to cremate COVID-19 victims

Govt response ‘demonstrates lack of sensitivity’ to communities who consider burial rites integral to their religious customs

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