Home Tags Online sex abuse of children

Tag: online sex abuse of children

SPOTLIGHT: Look what you made me do

Filipino children take center stage in fight against online exploitation

The power of the Internet for good or evil

It is a tool of communication and is deplorably and disgustingly abused and used for crimes of the worst kind

Crimes against children on the Internet 

Priests and bishops like everyone else can be sinners and must be held responsible like everyone else for crimes against children

Podcast series launched to fight online sexual exploitation of children in...

“The Fight of My Life: Finding Ruby” features the travails of 16-year-old Ruby from her village to enslavement in a sex trafficking den

Child rights network lauds new law against online sex abuse, exploitation...

"It is our fervent wish for Filipino children to safely navigate the virtual space without fear,” said Romeo Dongeto, CRN convenor

Filipino children among most exposed to online threats worldwide, says study

“The [Philippines] comes second after Thailand, where children are highly exposed to online risks," said the report

Child sexual abuse: Crime on the internet

It’s a challenge to all to accept that this heinous crime is a common event, a secret crime, in families, in the streets

Child rights advocates laud passage of anti-online child sexual exploitation bill

HB 10703 also expands the legal mantle of protection for children against physical sexual abuse and exploitation

Opposing violence against women and children

Reporting sexual abuse and saving the victims with protection and therapy with legal action by victims is essential to fight abuse

Filipino survivor of online sexual exploitation bags international leadership award

Ruby received the award “for using her voice to help fuel a global movement to end the online sexual exploitation of children”

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