Tag: nuclear war
Pope Francis on G7 Summit: Nuclear deterrence offers ‘only an illusion...
The pope added that “nuclear arms and other weapons of mass destruction represent a multiplier of risk that offers only an illusion of peace”
Make nuclear disarmament a priority, Catholic bishops urge G7 Summit
The four bishops urged G7 leaders “to undertake concrete steps toward global, verifiable nuclear disarmament”
To counter ‘third world war,’ Pope Francis proposes ‘truth, justice, solidarity,...
The Pope warned about the increased threat of nuclear warfare, drawing particular concern to the negotiations for the Iran nuclear deal
The end is nigh? Climate, nuclear crises spark fears of worst
With dangers rising from nuclear war and climate change, does the planet need to at least begin contemplating the worst?
Pope Francis reiterates call for peace at inter-religious gathering in Rome
The pope underlined that he was making a plea for peace at a time when it has been “gravely violated, assaulted, and trampled upon"
Pope Francis shares concern about nuclear war risks in meeting with...
The diplomats were gathered in Rome for their triennial meeting from Sept. 7–10
The danger of a nuclear nightmare
Most people live in ignorance of the terrible dangers that the powerful and intellectual humans have wrought in the world