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Parish finds strength in BECs amid pandemic

The impact of the coronavirus outbreak in a Catholic parish might have been worse but for the help of small Christian communities.

More help needed for typhoon victims in Borongan diocese

Bishop Crispin Varquez of Borongan is appealing for more aid to reach several towns affected by the strong storm that hit the province on May 14.

Dioceses still await guidelines for resumption of religious activities

Several dioceses across the Philippines have yet to resume the public celebration of religious activities as they await for guidelines from the government.

Decongesting Metro Manila easier said than done

The proposed program appears to be no different from the relocation programs for informal settlers implemented by successive administrations.

Hong Kong extends coronavirus group restrictions, Tiananmen vigil at risk

Religious gatherings will resume with certain safety rules. Bars, cinemas and gyms re-opened earlier this month.

South Asia scrambles to bring home crisis-hit migrant workers

Economic fallout from the pandemic means many could be jobless for a long time, putting pressure on their home countries to step in.

Davao bishop calls for patience over restrictions on religious activities

Archbishop Romulo Valles of Davao called on the faithful to be more patient over the restrictions imposed by the government on religious activities.

Diocese of Borongan appeals for donations for typhoon victims

The Diocese of Borangan in the central Philippines has stretched its remaining social action funds to aid typhoon-affected communities.

Victims of HIV, COVID-19 pandemics remembered

This year's observance of the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial also remembered those who fell victim to the coronavirus pandemic.

Manila clergy to hold annual spiritual retreat online

Members of the clergy in the Archdiocese of Manila will be holding their annual spiritual retreat online later this month.

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