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Miracles of Justice

God never rejoiced in a meaningless “destruction of the living,” especially if the living are strongly inclined to destroying each other

Trudeau says pope should apologize on Canadian soil for church’s role...

A federal commission's report found the residential school system enacted cultural genocide on Canada's indigenous people

Vatican ‘foreign minister’ doubts speaking out on Hong Kong ‘would make...

Human rights activists have repeatedly urged the Vatican to publicly express its concerns about the actions of the Chinese Communist Party

Vatican asks for donations to Peter’s Pence ahead of annual collection

Peter’s Pence is the Holy See’s annual collection to finance the pope’s charitable works and other priorities, including the Roman Curia

Healing Touch

Some touches can defile; others can purify. Some touches can kill; others can give life

Homily: Archbishop Socrates Villegas on former president Benigno Aquino III

The best eulogy tribute we can pay [former president Aquino] is to bring back ... and never to compromise again our dignity as a people

Agents of death are agents of the devil: Be agents of...

Cardinal Bo: "Let the darkness go away. Let the old order of hatred, ruthless power pass away. Let there be a new Myanmar"

Photos: Former Philippine President Benigno Aquino III is laid to rest

Former Philippine President Benigno Aquino III is laid to rest at Manila Memorial Park on Saturday, June 26, two days after he died

New Manila prelate vows to be a ‘listening shepherd’ to his...

Cardinal Advincula expressed his "commitment to renew my heart’s desire to be a listening shepherd to the flock entrusted to my care”

‘Do not be afraid,’ Manila clergy tell their new archbishop

“We are ready, as always, to cooperate and collaborate with our shepherds. You are not in this alone,” said Bishop Broderick Pabillo

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