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Tag: Mongolia

Voices of faith | Indigenous Peoples in Asia: Mongolia

Mongolian is spoken by 95 percent of the population. A variety of dialects of Oirat and Buryat are spoken across the country, and there...

Pope Francis calls for spiritual harmony amid technological progress and global...

The pontiff stressed the role of religions in promoting compassion, empathy, and responsibility toward the planet and its inhabitants

Pope Francis extols Mongolia’s ecological wisdom, calls for global conservation

“You help us to appreciate and carefully cultivate what we Christians consider to be God’s creation, the fruit of His benevolent design”

Pope Francis becomes first pope in history to set foot in...

Pope Francis told journalists aboard the chartered plane that to visit Mongolia is to encounter “a small people, but a big culture.”

Pope’s visit serves as ‘nourishment’ to small Catholic community, says Filipino...

Pope Francis' Apostolic Journey to Mongolia is a pivotal moment in the history and development of a “young” and “small” Catholic community

Pope Francis asks for prayers as he travels to Mongolia, ‘the...

Francis will become the first pope in the history of the Catholic Church to visit Mongolia, a democracy between authoritarian powers

Pope Francis says he will travel to Mongolia

Pope Francis has also said that he hopes to travel to India next year in response to an invitation by Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Pope Francis may visit Mongolia in September

Mongolia has a population of about 1,300 Catholics in a country of more than three million people

Mongolians brave freezing nights in fight for justice

Protests in the landlocked East Asian nation entered their eighth day Monday, with thousands rallying in central Ulaanbaatar

Pope Francis invites Mongolian Buddhists, Catholics to work together to end...

"Through dialogue at all levels, it is urgent to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence and to work for it,” said Pope Francis

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