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Tag: Migrante

Marcos Jr’s Charter change: A Threat to Filipino Migrants and the...

Filipino migrants become unwitting pawns in a larger geopolitical game, serving the interests of foreign powers and multinational corporations

New travel guidelines violate rights, OFWs say

IACAT explained that it has revised the departure protocols to “combat the grave menace of human trafficking".

Philippine government urged to look into cases of migrant workers on...

As of 2021, there were at least 62 Filipino migrant workers who were on death row in foreign lands, according to data provided by Migrante

Migrante calls on president-elect Marcos to act on case of jailed...

“[We] challenge the new administration … to act accordingly on the deposition of Mary Jane Veloso,” read a Migrante statement

Distressed Filipino migrant workers decry lack of government support

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gave the Philippines 72 hours to bring home the remains of 282 deceased Filipino migrant workers

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