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Tag: Marcos administration

Why people’s initiative to amend Philippine Constitution reeks of ‘Marcosian tactics’

During the time of Marcos Sr., the 1973 Constitution was overwhelmingly ratified by 35,000 barangays gathered into “citizen’s assemblies.”

Congress dancing two-step Cha-cha

Fifty percent of Filipinos are poor, and 30 percent are near poor – all willing to exchange democratic rights for some cash handout

Retrenched OFWs in New Zealand sleep in cars, resort to fishing...

Migrante-International called on the Ferdinand Marcos Jr. government to speed up and increase support for the laid-off workers

DND chief in constant talks with PBBM on WPS ‘paradigm shift’

Marcos raised the need for a paradigm shift after noting "very little progress" in the WPS issue in terms of traditional method of diplomacy

Forced franchise consolidation will distress thousands of drivers and strand millions...

The government is indifferent to the plight of drivers, operators, and commuters and instead is more concerned with private sector interests

Political party leaders back Marcos Jr.’s peace initiative

The expression of support was made a day after Vice-President Sara Duterte publicly opposed the peace initiative of the Marcos administration. 

Rights groups decry ‘escalating’ HRVs under Marcos Jr. 

Karapatan announced a series of protest actions across the country to mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Advocates welcome report of peace talks resumption

Advocates said the National Security Policy is essentially a reiteration of the government’s long-standing “whole-of-nation” approach

Philippine church officials urge Congress to reconsider position on sovereign fund...

“The time is not right for a sovereign wealth fund especially since there is no surplus or extra funds that can be allocated to it.” 

Survey: 47 percent of Filipinos say it is dangerous to criticize...

Survey results show that more Filipinos agree that it is dangerous to publish or broadcast anything unfavorable against the Marcos Jr. administration

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