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Tag: Labor

Living wage is a justice issue, church-labor group says

The CWS lamented that the minimum wages are not enough to meet a typical family of five’s needs to cover food and non-food costs

Bishop says current basic wage in Philippines ‘unjust’

Bishop Alminaza said that in the Philippines “what we call ‘minimum wage’ is not necessarily a just wage, or a living wage, or a family wage”

Time to prioritize social justice

Globally, real wages have fallen, poverty is rising, inequality seems more entrenched than ever

Church, labor groups back calls for wage increase

“As the Bible says, the laborer deserves his wages,” read a statement issued by the NCCP for Labor Day.

Tears, protests 10 years since Bangladesh factory tragedy

The Rana Plaza tragedy on April 24, 2013 was one of the world's worst industrial disaster

Catholic educators call on business sector to provide jobs to Senior...

Data show that only about 10 percent of Senior High School graduates find jobs every year although 83 percent pursue college education

Philippine women workers march to call for end of ‘contractualization’ of...

Aside from the Herrera law, the government has implemented policies that the activists said made life worse for Filipino workers

ILO tripartite mission starts probe into Philippine labor situation

“What we want is the protection of our Constitutional right to freedom of association,” said KMU's Labog

Photos: Philippine workers call for wage hike on birth anniversary of...

Labor groups and activists mark the 159th birth anniversary of revolutionary leader Andres Bonifacio on Nov. 30, 2022

Workers’ group decries decrease in labor department’s proposed budget

The Department of Budget and Management allocated PhP26.23 billion for DoLE, a 49 percent decrease compared to the PhP51.2 billion in 2022

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