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Tag: Karapatan

Philippine groups hit terror case vs. human rights activists

The group called on the CHR to investigate what it claimed was the use of legal mechanisms to intimidate environmental defenders

Rights groups raise concerns over spate of enforced disappearances 

Karapatan reported at least 13 victims of enforced disappearances under the administration of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

Rights group decries ‘lighter penalties’ vs Navotas cops

The court convicted a police officer of homicide for the killing of 17-year-old Baltazar in an assumed case of mistaken identity

Philippine group urges international scrutiny as press freedom faces ongoing threats

Cristina Palabay, secretary general of the group, described the human rights situation in the country as “bleak, if not worse”.

Rights groups decry ‘escalating’ HRVs under Marcos Jr. 

Karapatan announced a series of protest actions across the country to mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Groups renew calls to surface Desaparecidos on All Souls’ Day

The groups said authorities must open military camps and secret detention centers for families searching for the disappeared

Global groups urge Philippines to ‘ensure enabling environment’ for rights workers

The groups also condemned the alleged “renewed judicial harassment” against 10 human rights workers, including church workers

Philippines group hits ‘renewed judicial attacks’ against rights activists

The situation has drawn attention to the importance of safeguarding the rights and protection of those who work to defend human rights

Philippine gov’t loses bid to stop ICC probe of Duterte’s drug...

ICC also found that the Philippines had not met its burden of proof to show its investigation would be “unnecessary or disproportionate”

Philippine groups decry ‘terrorist’ designation of activists, IP leaders

Karapatan expressed alarm over “the increasing use of terror laws” against activists and human rights workers to suppress political dissent

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