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Bangladesh restores internet access in Rohingya refugee camps

But some govt officials remain concerned that certain groups will take advantage of the return of internet services

Coronavirus floods Indonesian river with medical waste

Constant stream of syringes, face masks and hazmat suits floats down Cisadane River

Hong Kong health workers, activists urge boycott of mass testing

Universal testing not an efficient use of resources, says medico group who urge focused tests instead

Up to 30,000 people disappeared in China while held in ‘coercive...

Communist regime uses secretive Residential Surveillance at a Designated Location system to disappear its critics

Vatican, World Council of Churches join hands in addressing pandemic

COVID-19 has exposed the woundedness and fragility of our world, cardinal says

China’s offer of coronavirus tests for all in Hong Kong meets...

Move comes as many of the city’s 7.5 million residents see Beijing reining in their freedoms

Pope Francis hits ‘sick economy’ that spurs inequality

Coronavirus pandemic has exposed and aggravated symptoms of social inequality, pope says

Facebook shares data on Myanmar with United Nations investigators

Myanmar is facing charges of genocide over a 2017 military crackdown on the Rohingya

Justice remains elusive for victims of India’s Odisha massacre in 2008

It was the largest organized communal attacks on Christians in the history of India in the past three centuries

Hong Kong’s new security law inhibits anxious artists

2,000 Hong Kong and international artists and cultural workers said in a statement security law creates a climate of fear and self-censorship

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