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‘Online Mass’ not a substitute to physical attendance in liturgy, warns...

As soon as circumstances permit, it is urgent to return to the normality of Christian life, including the public celebration of the Eucharist

Pope Francis says ‘contemplation,’ ‘compassion’ indispensable for integral ecology

Pope Francis said the world needs 'creative and active charity from people who do not stay in front of a screen making comments'

Korea’s church leaders back anti-discrimination bill, say ‘no’ to same-sex marriage

Bishops also warn against what they described as ‘reverse discrimination’ from legislation

Three years after exodus, Myanmar erases names of Rohingya villages

UN map makers follow suit with at least three maps showing a number of Rohingya village names having disappeared or been reclassified by Myanmar

More Indian workers at risk of suicide due to financial hardships...

Pandemic has destroyed livelihoods of many of the country’s poor

Pope Francis calls for ‘civilization of love’ to combat impact of...

Humanity will emerge from pandemic for the better if we all seek the common good together, pope says

Beijing to impose stricter anti-religion regulations on foreign teachers

New hires will also have to undergo 20-hours of political indoctrination

Global coalition calls on UN to address China’s human rights violations

Open letter signed by 321 civil society groups also demanded an end to Beijing’s impunity at UN Human Rights Council

Pakistan court sentences Christian to death on blasphemy charges

Christian man said his supervisor made blasphemy accusation only after he had refused to convert to Islam

Australia evacuates journalists from China amid ‘national security’ probe

Their departure means Australian media organizations have no correspondents in China for the first time since the 1970s

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