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Tag: Indigenous Peoples

Human Rights Watch decries ‘red-tagging’ of Philippine indigenous leaders, activists

In October 2022, the Philippine justice secretary defended red-tagging before the UN Human Rights Council, calling it “part of democracy”

Canada to pay Indigenous abuse survivors more than US$2 billion

Last year, Pope Francis visited Canada on a penitential trip to apologize for the "evil" perpetrated in the schools

Green activists, tribal group call for pull out of soldiers from...

Kalikasan urged the Department of Environment and National Resources to immediately stop and review megadam projects

The mystical Lake Tabeo of Benguet and indigenous people’s rights

“The indigenous peoples’ struggle for their rights ... is rooted in their effort for cultural and human survival"

Green activists continue to seek justice for slain tribal leader killed...

He fought and protested against the alleged land grabbing and encroachment of private corporations into ancestral lands

Indigenous campaigners at COP27 channel ‘spirit’ of nature

Small-scale demonstrations have demanded climate justice, including more urgent action to protect the Amazon

Climate change solutions should focus on rights of indigenous peoples, say...

The legislators noted that proposed solutions to climate change too often ignore indigenous communities' voices

Climate justice is the right of the poor

The great climate injustice is that the poor of the world have to suffer great losses because of the decisions of the rich

Catholic prelate urges government to act on ancestral land claims

The prelate said ancestral domain issues remain among the major challenges that tribal communities face

Catholic nun launches book on her mission work with Indigenous People...

The nun said one of the biggest challenges that the Alangan tribe faces is the lack of literacy and education

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