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Tag: ICC

Did a Israeli spy threaten the ICC prosecutor?

International community tells Israel that it can no longer maintain its policy of violence, killing, and destruction without accountability

Caritas Philippines: Full cooperation with ICC, ‘not sign of weakness’ 

The ICC probe is “not a witch hunt,” but “a crucial step towards ensuring justice and accountability for those responsible."

Caritas Philippines urges Filipinos to support calls for PH to rejoin...

Caritas called on Congress and the Supreme Court to exercise their check and balance power in favor of the Philippines' rejoining the ICC

Released Philippine rights activist de Lima pursues ‘mass murderer’ Duterte

De Lima, 64, paid a heavy price for her unflinching pursuit of justice, as Duterte and his allies sought to silence her

Filipino prelate backs entry of ICC investigators

Archbishop Socrates Villegas of Lingayen-Dagupan said the country “should not hesitate” to let ICC officials investigate

Banality of evil

What if evil becomes banal and normal... What if it is clothed in garments of obedience, duty, obligation, purpose, patriotism, or "truth”?

Philippine groups give Marcos a “failing mark” on his first year...

Karapatan said 60 political activists have been killed since July 2022 while eight individuals were victims of enforced disappearances

Philippine gov’t loses bid to stop ICC probe of Duterte’s drug...

ICC also found that the Philippines had not met its burden of proof to show its investigation would be “unnecessary or disproportionate”

Human Rights Watch welcomes ICC decision to resume probe into drug...

Human Rights Watch on Monday released a “question-and-answer document” on the decision

Philippines to appeal ICC resumption of drug war probe

Officially, 6,181 people were killed in Duterte's "war on drugs" but rights groups say that up to 30,000 may have been killed

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