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Tag: Hong Kong

Unconditional Love: Cardinal Stephen Chow reflects on Saint Francis University’s legacy

The Mass celebrated the institution's elevation to university status last year, and its 40th anniversary this year

Ecumenical prayer events in Hong Kong to celebrate Week of Christian...

The Catholic Church in Hong Kong encouraged the faithful to attend the gatherings and embrace the opportunity to join in fellowship

Hong Kong prelate encourages generosity, forgiveness, and collaboration on Peace Day

The cardinal encouraged the faithful to reflect on the grace of God, as Mary did, and to pursue peace through personal transformation

Hong Kong Cardinal challenges perspectives on ‘food dignity’

He acknowledged the social and cultural importance of banquets but stressed the ethical responsibility of honoring the dignity of food

Cardinal Chow calls on Catholic educators to be ‘Pilgrims of Hope’

Referring to the Jubilee Year’s theme of “Pilgrims of Hope,” he called for faith renewal and a recommitment to their responsibilities

Hong Kong bishop urges faithful to deepen spiritual commitment to environmental...

"There is no excuse to close our hearts to environmental protection or be indifferent to the suffering of others"

‘Creation belongs to everyone’: Cardinal Goh urges Catholics to embrace migrants’...

Cardinal Goh led the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, alongside concelebrants and chaplains from various migrant communities

Cardinal Zen expresses concerns about Synod on Synodality in leaked letter...

Cardinal Zen closes with another appeal to his brother bishops and cardinals for prayer — and a petition to change synod procedures

Pope Francis names new cardinals, including two Asian prelates

Ahead of the upcoming consistory, there are currently 121 cardinal electors, 81 (67%) of whom have been appointed by Pope Francis

Bishop of Hong Kong: ‘Bridge church’ challenged to connect diverse parts

Bishop Chow said many Catholics “appreciate what [Pope Francis] is doing for the Church in China”

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