Tag: Holy Eucharist
Manila prelate urges parishes to review frequency of Masses online
The prelate reminded parishes of the “constant catechesis on the necessity of our faithful to return to our churches"
In Mass, prioritize awe, evangelization over aesthetics, says Pope Francis
Without evangelization, the liturgy “is a ‘ballet,’ a beautiful, aesthetic, nice ballet, but it is not authentic celebration.”
Pope Francis: The Eucharist teaches us to adore God rather than...
The pope expressed his dream for “a Eucharistic Church” that knows how to bend with compassion and tenderness for those who suffer
The Eucharistic life
Our liturgy most certainly enables the infinity of God to reach out to and through the finite limits of the human condition
Eucharist as radical loving
Tonight, something is different. He told them in a solemn voice: “This bread is my body, broken, given. Share it.”
We celebrate the Eucharist TO COMMEMORATE the life-giving passion and death of the Son of God on the cross
Filipino Catholics believe Holy Eucharist is ‘body and blood of Christ’
Catholics believe that through transubstantiation the risen Jesus becomes truly present in the Eucharist