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Pope warns church institutions against self-absorption, elitism

He cautioned against elitist feelings among those who are part of organized church institutions whose main goal at times is to promote their own ‘oligarchic privileges’

SPOTLIGHT: Pandemic worsens situation of young mothers in conflict areas

It would have been easier for Lady (not her real name) to make it through the lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic if she...

Filipino Catholics ride out pandemic with greater ‘communion of souls’ through...

Lapsed Catholics riding out the pandemic in their homes have found renewed faith and are fueling a resurgence in "communion of souls."

Survey: Most Filipinos want resumption of public celebration of Mass

Most Filipino Catholics are in favor of the resumption of the public celebration of Masses in areas under relaxed quarantine measures.

Artists pay tribute to Philippines’ real life heroes

The artists said health workers are "superhuman beings" because of their "selflessness to serve."

Philippine bishops admit 2-month lockdown affects church finances

The two-month lockdown in the Philippines due to the coronavirus pandemic has affected the finances of many churches across the country.

‘Abuse of prudence,’ ‘unreasonable,’ says priest on limiting churchgoers to ten

Bishop Broderick Pabillo of Manila described the "limitations" set to hold religious activities as "unreasonable."

PHOTOS: Typhoon spares not a church in central Philippines

The parish church of St. Raymond Nonnatus in the town of Arteche in Eastern Samar province was not spared by the wrath of Typhoon "Ambo."

Philippine bishop says pandemic a reminder of ‘sins to the environment’

Bishop Pablo Virgilio David calls on Filipinos to remember those affected by the pandemic during the observance of Laudato si anniversary.

Thousands seek shelter as torrential rain, strong winds batter Philippines

Thousands of people sought shelter in evacuation centers as typhoon Vongfong barreled through poor communities in several Philippine provinces.

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