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Tag: General Audience

Pope Francis: Keep your homilies short or ‘people will fall asleep’

Francis added that “the Holy Spirit, who inspired the Scriptures … also makes them perennially living and active.”

Pope Francis: Humility as foundation of Christian life and path to...

He reiterated that humility is not only the root of peace in the world and within the Church but also "the way, the path to salvation."

Pope Francis: ‘A Christian without courage’ is ‘a useless Christian’

“Let us ask the Lord for peace, and may we not forget these brothers and sisters of ours who suffer greatly in these war-torn places"

Pope Francis calls for prayers, sends condolences to Muslims, Christians killed...

The Diocese of Dori confirmed to Vatican News on Monday evening that 12 were killed in the initial attack, while three others died later

Pope Francis urges world leaders to heed sorrow of war victims

The pontiff expressed deep concern over ongoing conflicts, emphasizing the tragic impact on countless defenseless civilians

Pope Francis warns against chains of lust, advocates for purity of...

Lust, the Pope explained, mocks and plunders the beauty of pure, innocent love, involving both the body and the psyche

Pope Francis declares war as ‘madness’

He expressed his deep concern for those suffering in the ongoing conflicts in Palestine, Israel, and Ukraine

Pope Francis: One must never dialogue with the devil

“When temptation comes, never talk. Close the door, close the window, close your heart. In this way we defend ourselves from this seduction"

Pope Francis: ‘The Christian must be open to the word of...

“Closed Christians always end up badly, because they are not Christians, they are ideologues, ideologues of closure,” the pope said.

Pope Francis: Complaining Christians do not give a credible witness to...

The pope advised Christians to “keep watch over one’s sentiments” and to remember “the joy of having the risen Jesus.”

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