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Tag: gender equality

Study: 1 in 3 women across the world experience gender-based abuse

In the Philippines, one in four Filipino women aged 15-49 has experienced physical, emotional, or sexual violence by their husband or partner

Pride Month: Campaign for the passage of SOGIESC Equality Bill

Address the suffering of many of those who choose to love distinctively, uniquely, but no less genuinely and passionately

Philippine group calls for children protection against SOGIESC discrimination

Four of five children with diverse SOGIESC are more at risk of experiencing physical, psychological, and sexual violence

Gov’t climate change body underscores role of women in climate action

'With women at the forefront, we can be assured that community-based interventions to adapt to climate and disaster impacts are equitable and effective'

Human rights and gender equality must be at the heart of...

Development policies, including those addressing population issues, must be rights-affirming

Pope Francis: Gender ideology is ‘one of the most dangerous ideological...

“Why is it dangerous? Because it blurs differences and the value of men and women,” he said

19 senators back committee report recommending SOGIESC Equality Bill

The SOGIESC Equality bill mandates the State to address all forms of discrimination and violence on the basis of SOGIESC

Child rights group calls for passage of equality bill to protect...

"A cursory review of the SOGIE Equality bills in both houses of Congress would reveal how comprehensive and protective the proposals are”

Survey says Filipino women bear brunt of unpaid care work at...

Women spent up to 13 hours a day on unpaid care work compared to only eight hours for men, survey results show

Philippine gender rights advocates take on a disease deadlier than HIV...

Gender-based violence was the most frequently reported and perceived fear during the pandemic period

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