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Tag: Gaza

Vatican’s Good Friday Holy Land collection to aid humanitarian efforts in...

This year’s appeal comes against the backdrop of the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, which has had a devastating effect on the civilian population

IN PHOTOS: Ramadan in Asia and Gaza

Amid hardships, the essence of Ramadan—intended as a time for reflection, community, and peace—is profoundly challenged in Gaza

Gaza teen waits to follow vocation: ‘My faith is flourishing amidst...

Like hundreds of other Christians in Gaza, Abu Dawod and his family left their home and have been seeking sanctuary

Catholic priest issues appeal for children and mothers in Gaza

“We can’t just tell them that their hunger must wait until the powerful people of the world have given their permission to feed them"

Church leaders in Jerusalem speak out on Gaza attack, seek ceasefire

The Church leaders expressed hope for "an end to violence and the beginning of diplomatic discussions leading to peace."

Remaining Filipino in Gaza is religious nun

Authorities have “not established contact with her" but “indications are that the Filipino nun is safe" to complete her mission in Gaza

Faith-based group renews calls for ceasefire in Gaza

Since Oct. 7, at least 22,313 people have been killed and at least 57,296 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza while some

Four Asians among missionaries ‘murdered’ in 2023

“All the baptized, whatever their position in the Church or their level of instruction in the faith, are agents of evangelization"

Silent Exodus: The Unseen Genocide Threatening Christianity in Gaza

Protecting religious minorities is not just a moral imperative; it is the safeguarding of a unique cultural and historical mosaic that defines our common humanity

Pope Francis denounces Gaza attacks as ‘war’ and ‘terrorism’

Two Christian women, Nahida Khalil Anton and her daughter Samar Kamal Anton, were killed by an Israeli sniper

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