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Philippine church leaders issue appeal for help for private schools

The Coordination Council of Private Educational Associations said the “education community is badly hit by the economic downturn”

Bishop Mallari says many students have no access to online learning

A survey done by the diocese found out that 70 to 80 percent of students have no capacity to comply with the proposed online learning system

No face-to-face classes in Philippines until COVID-19 vaccine is found

A total of 5,204,949 students have already enrolled in both public and private schools across the Philippines

Closed schools impact children’s education, stress parents in Cambodia

Govt officials say schools need to remain closed to prevent a second wave of coronavirus infections

Philippine Catholic schools should keep going

Catholic schools have to undertake serious fundraising efforts even as they try to find the right mix of learning opportunities for students

Iglesia Filipina Independiente bishops oppose plan to reopen schools

The church leaders said letting students, parents, and teachers come to schools without mass testing is like “leading lambs to the slaughter”

Philippine bishop cautions against ‘distance learning’

Bishop Roberto Mallari of San Jose said "distance learning" lacks personal encounter that contributes to the formation of the person

Duterte calls on private schools to allow staggered payment of tuition

President Rodrigo Duterte called on private schools to allow the staggered payment of tuition amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Some Philippine Catholic schools face closure, may dismiss workers due to...

Most Catholic educational institutions in the Philippines struggle financially due the closure of schools during the pandemic

Catholic educator hits lack of policy on school opening

An official policy from the government will allow schools and parents to adjust and make plans according to the prevailing situation

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