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Tag: Ecology

SPOTLIGHT: Sweet Dreams (Are Made On Two Wheels)

Daring to dream of bicycle heaven in car-centric Philippines, advocates aim for a paradigm shift toward inclusivity and adoption of a sustainable lifestyle

Concerns raised over Philippines’ commitment to 1.5°C climate goal

P4P lambasted the government's continued reliance on fossil fuels, despite a promise made three years ago to reduce coal usage

Groups call to save Manila Bay from reclamation projects

The demonstrators said reclamation is still ongoing despite Marcos’ order to stop the projects and conduct an investigation

Pope Francis extols Mongolia’s ecological wisdom, calls for global conservation

“You help us to appreciate and carefully cultivate what we Christians consider to be God’s creation, the fruit of His benevolent design”

Pope Francis to release second Laudato Si’ on Oct. 4

Pope Francis said Aug. 30 that the second part to Laudato Si’ would be the kind of papal document known as an “exhortation.”

Marine life protection vowed amid dolphin decline in Tañon Strait

Tañon Strait, which is known for its rich marine life and diverse range of cetaceans, is home to at least 15 species of dolphins and whales

What has happened since the 2019 Pastoral Letter on Ecology?

How have the Philippine dioceses shown leadership in turning the vision of the Pastoral Letter on Ecology into concrete actions?

Pope Francis warns of technological domination, threat to human ecology

Pope Francis also warned of the “false notion of freedom” offered by the ideologies of communism and consumerism

Pope Francis discusses ‘ecological conversion’ with Buddhist monks

Pope Francis defined “ecological conversion” as “true repentance”

‘Listen to the voice of creation’

"If we learn how to listen, we can hear in the voice of creation a kind of dissonance"

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