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Tag: Conflict

Pope Francis calls for prayer for suffering children due to conflicts

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, Israel has been responsible for the deaths of over 13,000 children in Gaza

Holy See calls for enhanced protection of civilians in conflict zones

Vatican condemned attacks on civilian infrastructure and the use of indiscriminate weapons in populated areas

Pope Francis calls for peace through embracing others

The pontiff discussed the ‘missing embrace,' noting that gestures of joy and brotherhood often face resistance or rejection

Pope Francis urges ceasefire and dialogue in Middle East

Pope Francis described the situation in Gaza as a humanitarian catastrophe and called for all parties to pursue negotiation determinedly

Vatican document on human dignity condemns gender transition, surrogacy, abortion

In the declaration, the dicastery cautions against threats to human dignity that begin at the moment of conception

IN PHOTOS: Ramadan in Asia and Gaza

Amid hardships, the essence of Ramadan—intended as a time for reflection, community, and peace—is profoundly challenged in Gaza

Vatican voices concern over autonomous weapons

Archbishop Balestrero argued that autonomous weapons lack moral agency and thus cannot be considered morally responsible entities

Cardinal Bo: Lent is ‘365 days of real suffering’

Cardinal Charles Maung Bo said Lent teaches the human family great lessons about “liberation from oppression, self-purification, and hope”.

Pope Francis calls for global unity in pursuit of peace amidst...

Pope Francis referred to the escalating global conflicts as a “third world war fought piecemeal” and openly discussed geopolitical crises

Pope Francis declares war as ‘madness’

He expressed his deep concern for those suffering in the ongoing conflicts in Palestine, Israel, and Ukraine

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