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Tag: China

Cardinal Bo of Myanmar demands apology from China for coronavirus

Nations ‘must not be afraid to hold’ the Chinese govt to account, cardinal says

Cardinal Zen blasts WHO for ‘pathetically shying away’ from Taiwan’s coronavirus...

Former bishop of Hong Kong questions whether WHO can be trusted

Top WHO official hangs up on reporter for raising Taiwan coronavirus...

Taiwan has been an outlier in preventing a serious outbreak from occurring within its borders despite its proximity to China

Actual Wuhan coronavirus death toll may exceed 40,000

Residents speak of round the clock cremations and 'hush money'

CCTV used inside China’s Three-Self churches to monitor sermons

Cameras also used to see if minors or party members are visiting churches

Chinese media muzzle may have led to pandemic: Press freedom group

Govt negligence and need for control hindered efforts to curb new coronavirus

SPOTLIGHT: Beijing’s bullying of the foreign media, another reason to decouple...

Academics and journalists walk on eggshells when writing about China because they know the Chinese Communist Party is looking over their shoulder

Taiwan says WHO ignored its coronavirus questions at start of outbreak

Taiwan's govt said that it has been denied access to first-hand information

SPOTLIGHT: Language and power in the time of pandemic

Language is a key tool to control those who threaten the absolute power of the Chinese Communist Party

‘Blatantly evil’: Cardinal Zen blasts church guidelines for Chinese clergy

Former bishop of Hong Kong claims document legitimizes ‘schismatic Church’

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