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Tag: Children

Priest welcomes Philippine bill increasing age of sexual consent for minors

The proposed legislation will make it a crime for any adult to have sexual contact with a child under 16 years of age

Philippine Church leaders call for intensified efforts to end child labor

Results of a government survey noted that about 5,000 minors, with ages below 15 years old, are employed as domestic workers

The rape of innocence

Justice is a powerful healing for victims of sexual abuse and just enlightened judges are an essential part of the healing process

Malaysia called to free children from immigration detention

More than 700 children being held in immigration detention facilities nationwide, gov't says

A call for action against abuse of children online

More resources have to be devoted to detecting and apprehending child abusers and increasing the penalties for crimes against children

Filipino children in typhoon-hit areas face severe malnutrition, warns NGO

In Catanduanes, children and their families still live in makeshift shacks because their homes were destroyed by super typhoon "Rolly"

After super cyclone: School kits reignite dreams for Indian children

Natural disaster left teenagers thinking their education was over until a Caritas-supported project came along

Annual ‘Parade of Saints,’ now dubbed ‘Your Saint Sounds Familiar,’ to...

A Manila parish is calling on everyone to join the online activity that has been dubbed "Your Saint Sounds Familiar"

Philippine courts convict 103 offenders of online sex abuse of children

The Philippines has been a global hotspot for OSEC, with close family friends or neighbors of rescued victims as perpetrators

Philippine Senate approves bill prohibiting child marriage

The bill aims to address child marriage in the Philippines, where one in six Filipino girls get married before reaching the age of 18

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