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Tag: Caritas

Local civil society groups need more support during times of crisis,...

With COVID-19 the international humanitarian system is being tested like never before, the Church’s social service arm says

Caritas calls on states to address rising risks of human trafficking...

Caritas Internationalis noted that the pandemic forced nations to focus on health but not on people exposed to human trafficking

Caritas helps rescue young Nepalese trafficking victims

Thousands of women and girls from Nepal are trafficked to India and elsewhere for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation each year

Helping smallholder farmers attain food sovereignty in India’s northeast

Church-led project helps bring back traditional agricultural systems robust enough to survive erratic climatic conditions while providing nutritious food

Caritas aiding vulnerable disabled people caught up in India’s lockdown

Caritas has dedicated a special relief program in the Indian capital suited to the needs of differently abled people

India’s poor fear starvation more than COVID-19

Hunger and uncertainty haunt daily wage earners during lockdown

Philippines’ Caritas network champions localized aid for COVID-19 response

Localization of aid facilitates progression of people-centered disaster risk reduction and management programs

Mindanao communities strive to help poor amid pandemic

Youth groups will distribute face masks to village officials, health workers, and those manning check points

SPOTLIGHT: India’s battle with cancer: Many suffer, die unable to afford...

Caritas India has several programs where the treatment costs are met by the church agency

Farmers feel the pinch of India’s economic woes

India’s most vulnerable struggle to make ends meet as economy hits the skids

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