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Tag: carbon emission

Study shows global shortfall in 2020 CO2 emission targets

The study highlights the insufficient ambition of the targets set and the powerful impact of economic and demographic growth on emissions

PH wealthiest 1 % emits as much carbon as half of...

According to the report, excessive carbon emissions of the richest Filipinos are accountable for the 18, 584 deaths due to heat in 2019

Filipino priest backs call for ‘no meat Fridays’ for Catholics to...

“What is good for the planet is good for the body. What is good for the body is good for the planet,” said Father Anton Pascual

Catholics could help cut carbon with meat-free Fridays, says study

If meatless Fridays were reintroduced across the world, it could mitigate millions of tons of greenhouse gases annually

Philippines raises carbon emission reduction target to 75% by 2030

A government official says the new target is "ambitious” although environmental activists called on the government to do more

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