Tag: Apostolic journey
Pope Francis calls for love and unity in final homily of...
“If there is anything good that exists and endures in this world, it is only because, in innumerable situations, love has prevailed over hate”
Pope Francis’ homily during Holy Mass in Singapore
Dear brothers and sisters, if there is anything good that exists and endures in this world, it is only because, in innumerable situations, love has prevailed over hate, solidarity over indifference, generosity over selfishness.
Holy See releases logos and mottos for Pope Francis’ visit in...
The logos and mottos together capture the profound significance of this Apostolic Journey, offering a message of solidarity and compassion
What Pope Francis had to say about the Synod on Synodality...
The Catholic Church’s massive synodal process has already undergone diocesan, national, and continental stages
Pope Francis extols Mongolia’s ecological wisdom, calls for global conservation
“You help us to appreciate and carefully cultivate what we Christians consider to be God’s creation, the fruit of His benevolent design”
Pope Francis becomes first pope in history to set foot in...
Pope Francis told journalists aboard the chartered plane that to visit Mongolia is to encounter “a small people, but a big culture.”
Pope’s visit serves as ‘nourishment’ to small Catholic community, says Filipino...
Pope Francis' Apostolic Journey to Mongolia is a pivotal moment in the history and development of a “young” and “small” Catholic community
Pope Francis asks for prayers as he travels to Mongolia, ‘the...
Francis will become the first pope in the history of the Catholic Church to visit Mongolia, a democracy between authoritarian powers