Over 1,400 people joined Singapore’s climate rally on September 23 at Hong Lim Park, the only place in the city where citizens can hold a protest without requiring a police permit.
This was Singapore’s first climate rally since 2019. Organizers said the rally was for “climate-concerned everyday Singaporeans who want to stand for a greener and fairer Singapore for everyone.” They added that this year’s theme intended to promote inclusivity:
Kristian-Marc James Paul, one of the organizers, told the sustainability media publication Eco-Business about their aim of reminding authorities about the disproportionately harsh impact of climate change on low-income families and communities:
Another demand is for Singapore to acknowledge how it contributes to the degradation of the natural resources of its neighbors in Southeast Asia:
To deliver the message of the rally, participants were asked to wear red to signify the climate emergency and to write a postcard to members of parliament.
At the end of the four-hour program, 309 postcards were collected by the organizers. Several opposition MPs attended the rally. One of them was Gerald Giam of the Workers’ Party who wrote on Facebook his praise for the initiative:
Some participants who posted commentaries, photos, and videos of the rally on social media described the protest as “anti-corporate, youth-driven messaging, holding authorities to account for greenwashing.” A major theme expressed support for the welfare of workers and migrants:
On Facebook, Hoonie Swee Hoon Lim wrote about what she observed at the rally:
Wake Up Singapore news platform acknowledged the legacy of the previous generation of environmentalists:
News reports noted that this year’s rally gathered fewer people compared to the 2,000 participants of the 2019 rally. Organizers and participants hope that the enthusiasm generated by the recent rally will create greater awareness about climate issues. Organizers also emphasized the importance of organizing collective actions:
Mong Palatino is an activist and former two-term member of the Philippine House of Representatives. Blogging since 2004 at mongster’s nest, he joined Global Voices in 2006.
This article was first published by Global Voices.